Antibacterial polypropylene film being developed for hospital use / Project funded by EU “Horizon 2020”
The PP film developed by the “Flexpol” project can be used on bed rails and tray tables in hospitals, among other things (Photo: PantherMedia/Goir)
Plastics technology centre Aimplas (Valencia / Spain; is participating in an EU-funded project, called “Flexpol” (, to develop a more eco-friendly material with antimicrobial and antifungal properties to be used in hospitals. Flexpol’s funding is from the “Horizon 2020” programme and amounts to EUR 5.18m. The Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology (IPT, Aachen / Germany; is coordinating the project with Aimplas and nine other entities:
The novel PP film material is designed to cover surfaces that are exposed to microbes and to prevent surface proliferation of these microorganisms by preventing them from adhering. Applications include bed rails, tray tables, telephones and alarm buttons. Essential oil encapsulation technologies will be used to obtain a product that is easy to apply and remove. It could then reduce the use of detergents and antibiotics, making nanocapsulation an eco-friendly alternative.

One goal of Flexpol is to keep the essential oil nanocapsules intact during film processing because of their low thermal resistance. Aimplas contributed by developing a method that prevents the nanocapsules from being destroyed during the compounding phase of processing. The project has shown that nanocapsules with essential oils can incorporate into PP matrices and withstand compounding and film extrusion processes.
24.03.2020 [244762-0]
Published on 24.03.2020

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