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What is

The information portal is part of KI-Kunststoff Information and PIE-Plastics Information Europe, one of the leading content providers for the plastics industry. This site has been offering daily updated business news and reports, a supplier's guide with entries on more than 3,100 companies, articles on new products and much more for almost 10 years already.

The "Job opportunities" section (powered by the German plastics portal KunststoffWeb) is one of Germany's most popular job portals. In addition, offers its readers special
price reports for standard and engineering thermoplastics, the latest on polymer prices as well as the "Plastixx" polymer price index. Other useful sources of information are the calendar of events and numerous films and movie clips about the world of plastics. Some of the articles offered by are premium content of PIE-Plastics Information Europe (

What is PIE-Plastics Information Europe?

Plastics Information Europe (PIE Web,, the well-known subscription-only newsletter and online portal, boasts user-friendly, daily updated online coverage of the industry's most important news. This valuable source of plastics information also offers staff researched price reports on standard and technical thermoplastics, polyurethanes and PET, as well as industry reports - including market trends and other background articles - all supplemented by photos, charts and maps and links via PDF to other information sources.
Additional attractive features of the PIE website are the opportunity to create individualised polymer price charts and the personal archive feature.


You, too, can make use of these direct routes of communication to the industry's commercial and technical decision-makers. offers you advertising space for:

The current media data can be downloaded here as a PDF.

If you have any questions about advertising on, simply use our contact form.

© 2001-2024  |  Imprint  |  Privacy  |  Cookie settings is a business information platform for the European plastics industry. It is part of KI Kunststoff Information and PIE Plastics Information Europe, one of the leading content providers for the European plastics industry. We offer daily updated business news and reports, in-depth market analysis, polymer prices and other services for the international plastics industry, including a suppliers guide, career opportunities, a trade name directory and videos.

News | Polymer Prices | Material Databases | Plastics Exchange | Suppliers Guide | Jobs | Register | Advertising

PIE – Plastics Information Europe | KI – Kunststoff Information | KunststoffWeb | Plastics Material Exchange | Polyglobe | K-Profi
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Date of print: 22.10.2024 21:17:01   (Ref: 1009022678)
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